Saturday, November 1, 2008

How much info of you is online?

Some people live open lives. I happen to be one of them. Maybe I've resigned that I won't take public office -- at least not one that would end in some scandalous article posting about my past.

But just like a credit score, knowing what is posted online about yourself can be a pretty good insight. The norm now is that when you apply for a job, your name is googled before your resume is even reviewed.

Recently, personal listings of old acquaintances have been resurfacing, which include addresses and phone numbers. Posting like this one: can be disconcerting.

As a result, a new business franchise is springing up to take your money. Make sure before you sign up for one of these sites that you check its legitimacy.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Some free things from Google people might use

Some new things from Google that are free and might be useful
I saw on BBC America about the launch of Google's new web browser "Chrome". So I went to Google labs and saw some other things that might be useful:

Google Scholar - search scholarly publications
Google trends - gives updated stats on Google search terms
Google transit - gives directions using public transportation options only
Google Chrome - Google's new web browser. You might want to check out "incognito mode" for those developing web marketing for CRM

Monday, August 18, 2008

Blogger mobile

Sent from my iPhone 3G.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How to pretend that you care about the elections

I have always been a big fan of The Onion, but now that they have started doing video, I am an addict.

One of their more recent pieces on the upcoming elections addresses some of the conspiracy theory behind rigged elections.

Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

MetNet 2008 is Made for Marketers!

International authors, media experts, and great moves! MetNet & the City features Best Sessions Ever (Really!)

Highlighted speakers and trainers scheduled for MetNet 2008:
* Keynote: David M. Scott - author of "The New Rules of PR and Marketing"
* Paul Gillin - author of "The New Influencers"
*Doug McGuirk - National Trainer for the Anthony Robbins Companies
* Waldo Cabrera - owner, creator of Islip.TV &; President of SWMAX, LLC
* and JCI ITF Patrick Knight, US Metro Director Rob Witthauer, Life Coach Sarina Tomel, leadership consultant Jeff Goldberg
* New York City Councilman John Liu has agreed to do the welcome message for Friday morning opening ceremonies to show support from New York City for JCI!

NEW TO THE AGENDA - Friday and Saturday night, we have also secured 2 International Dance Champions to offer Exhibition/Dance classes for Friday and Saturday nights! The Dancers will offer training in Swing, Ballroom and other dance types FOR 3 HOURS BOTH NIGHTS! They assure it will be very fun and the attendees will learn how to Dance plus get the chance to show off your new skills!

We thought you'd like to know that...

MetNet 2008 is Made for Marketers!
It's Not Too Late to Use MetNet 2008 to Boost Your Business Performance

JCI Metnet July 31-Aug 3, 2008

David Meerman Scott Confirmed as MetNet 2008 Keynote Speaker
Presentation Topic - "The New Rules of Marketing and PR"

REGISTER TODAY for JCI Metnet July 31-Aug 3, 2008 @
How to use news releases, blogs, podcasts, viral marketing and online media to reach your buyers and members directly
Learn how to leverage the potential that Web-based communication offers. A step-by-step action plan for harnessing the power of the new rules of marketing and PR will be provided, showing how to identify audiences, create compelling messages, get those messages to the most consumers possible, and lead those consumers directly into the buying process. Told with many case studies and real-world examples, this is a practical discussion about the new reality of PR and marketing.
For decades, marketers have relied on buying expensive advertising and begging the media and analysts for coverage. We interrupted "prospects" with our egotistical "messages," in the hopes of generating interest from buyers (who usually ignored us anyway). The web has profoundly changed the rules. Smart marketers now communicate with buyers through content rich Web sites, blogs, YouTube videos, ebooks, and other online media that buyers actually want to consume. The products and services offered by tuned in companies resonate with people who willingly buy without being coerced.
About the Speaker David Meerman Scott is a recovering VP marketing for two publicly traded technology companies and was also Asia Marketing Director for Knight-Ridder, at the time one of the world's largest newspaper and electronic information companies. He is now an online thought leadership and viral marketing strategist and the programs he has developed have won numerous awards and are responsible for selling over one billion dollars in products and services worldwide. David is the author of the number one best selling PR and marketing book The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to use news releases, blogs, viral marketing and online media to reach buyers directly which is being published in 12 languages. He developed the New Rules of Marketing™ course for Pragmatic Marketing, Inc. based on his book. David has lived and worked in New York, Tokyo, Boston, and Hong Kong and has presented at industry conferences and events in over twenty countries on four continents. Check out his blog at or download his free ebook The New Rules of Viral Marketing: How word-of-mouse spreads your ideas for free at

Paul Gillin - Social Media Marketing Expert - has agreed to speak for early crowds at MetNet & the City (2008)
Bestselling author gives special early session training

JCI Metnet July (30)31-Aug 3, 2008
Check out Paul Gillin on YouTube signing autographs for his book "The New Influencers" at BlogWorld Expo 2008. Paul Gillin on YouTube
Who is Paul Gillin? Paul is a veteran technology journalist with more than 24 years of editorial leadership. Paul was founding editor-in-chief of TechTarget, one of the most successful new media entities to emerge on the Internet. Previously, he was editor-in-chief and executive editor of Computerworld . Currently, he writes the social media column for BtoB magazine. His critically acclaimed new book,The New Influencers, is about the changes in markets being driven by the new breed of online publishers. Published by Quill Driver Books in spring, 2007, it is in its third printing. His second book, Secrets of Social Media Marketing, will be published in the fall of 2008.
Paul specializes in advising business-to-business marketers on strategies to optimize their use of online channels to reach buyers cost-effectively. He is particularly interested in social media and the application of personal publishing to brand awareness and business marketing. Paul is an accomplished speaker and media spokesman. He has keynoted more than a dozen technology conferences, including annual user group meetings for IBM, Oracle, Cognos, Business Objects and J.D. Edwards. He has also spoken at scores of other events about technology trends and social media. His ability to translate complex technology topics into plain English has made him a favorite source for journalists.
He has been widely quoted in newspapers and on the airwaves, including appearances on CNN, PBS, Fox News and MSNBC. Paul is a research fellow at the Society for New Communications Research and he chairs the social media cluster of the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council. He blogs at

More Information can be found at

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Check out for the latest updates
New York State News:
Thomas Golisano last week announced the formation of Responsible New York, a committee set up to make expenditures in support of state legislature candidates "most committed to changing Albany."
Golisano, the Paychex Inc. founder who has made three unsuccessful runs for governor, plans to spend at least $5 million. But some political observers have said his initiative could face a legal challenge to determine whether it complies with New York election law.

JC Camp this Saturday (7-19)
First Annual Summer Family Fun Day
Bring your family, Bring your fun, your sleeping bags and prepare for a fantastic weekend of fun, games and companionship! You can arrive as early as July 18th. We arrive at Camp Sertoma any time after 6:00pm and spend an evening relaxing with many other Jaycees. Saturday after breakfast it’s a day of outside activities and games including swimming, sports and boating. The day will break for meals and finish up with a campfire, songs and a relaxing evening. On
Sunday we pack up after breakfast and say good bye to our friends, then head home.

All play, no work, can’t wait to see you all there!
Please direct your questions to Pat Wallen
Phone:(607)206-9834 Email:

Time to share your JC knowledge
We've heard a lot from newer members about the lack of pass along knowledge of the organization. To help relieve this problem, we reserved a Wiki where our past members and historians can dump their brains to give members a searchable resource to use.

The wiki can be found here:

Please consider adding content including, NY specific history, history on former chapters, former member information, current chapter histories, state and national awards information, anything Jaycees.

Also, could you pass it along to other governors, senators, random former Jaycees you have contacts for, etc. :)
The wiki can also be reached from the state website at

Breaking MetNet News
International authors, media experts, and great moves! MetNet & the City features Best Sessions Ever (Really!)
Highlighted speakers and trainers scheduled for MetNet 2008:
  • Keynote: David M. Scott - author of "The New Rules of PR and Marketing"
  • Paul Gillin - author of "The New Influencers"
  • Doug McGuirk - ational Trainer for the Anthony Robbins Companies
  • Waldo Cabrera - owner, creator of Islip.TV &; President of SWMAX, LLC
  • and JCI ITF Patrick Knight, US Metro Director Rob Witthauer, Life Coach Sarina Tomel, leadership consultant Jeff Goldberg, and speech consultant Judy Cavallo
Just in from the MetNet 2008 Team:

Please forward!


This just in:

  • NEW TO THE AGENDA - Friday and Saturday night, we have also secured 2 International Dance Champions to offer Exhibition/Dance classes for Friday and Saturday nights! The Dancers will offer training in Swing, Ballroom and other dance types FOR 3 HOURS BOTH NIGHTS! They assure it will be very fun and the attendees will learn how to Dance plus get the chance to show off your new skills!

Friday, July 11, 2008

David Meerman Scott Confirmed as MetNet 2008 Keynote Speaker (Fri. Aug 1st)

Presentation Topic - "The New Rules of Marketing and PR" How to use news releases, blogs, podcasts, viral marketing and online media to reach your buyers directly

For decades, marketers have relied on buying expensive advertising and begging the media and analysts for coverage. We interrupted "prospects" with our egotistical "messages," in the hopes of generating interest from buyers (who usually ignored us anyway).

The web has profoundly changed the rules. Smart marketers now communicate with buyers through content rich Web sites, blogs, YouTube videos, ebooks, and other online media that buyers actually want to consume. The products and services offered by tuned in companies resonate with people who willingly buy without being coerced.

Learn how to leverage the potential that Web-based communication offers. A step-by-step action plan for harnessing the power of the new rules of marketing and PR will be provided, showing how to identify audiences, create compelling messages, get those messages to the most consumers possible, and lead those consumers directly into the buying process. Told with many case studies and real-world examples, this is a practical discussion about the new reality of PR and marketing.

About the Speaker

David Meerman Scott is a recovering VP marketing for two publicly traded technology companies and was also Asia Marketing Director for Knight-Ridder, at the time one of the world's largest newspaper and electronic information companies. He is now an online thought leadership and viral marketing strategist and the programs he has developed have won numerous awards and are responsible for selling over one billion dollars in products and services worldwide. David is the author of the number one best selling PR and marketing book The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to use news releases, blogs, viral marketing and online media to reach buyers directly which is being published in 12 languages. He developed the New Rules of Marketing™ course for Pragmatic Marketing, Inc. based on his book. David has lived and worked in New York, Tokyo, Boston, and Hong Kong and has presented at industry conferences and events in over twenty countries on four continents. Check out his blog at or download his free ebook The New Rules of Viral Marketing: How word-of-mouse spreads your ideas for free at

Google launches virtual world "Lively"

To compete with virtual worlds like Second Life, Google has launched their own virtual world program.

How is this a marketing tool?

Rooms and objects can be created by users with links to external websites. For example, a JCI room could be created that links to information about JCI. Or a JCI object could be designed and placed in rooms around the v-world.

Check it out and have some fun with your members and perspectives. Maybe even start a weekly Lively MeetUp session

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Media Marketing Resources

As a researcher and someone who is fascinated by behavioral responses of people, I can't seem to get enough information on utilizing Social Media as a marketing tool.

One of my goals this year has been to leverage that knowledge for a full role-out in 2009. Currently, I have been reading the following titles in preparation:

  • David Meerman Scott's "The New Rules of Marketing and PR"
  • Charlene Li & Josh Bernoff's "groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technology"
  • Paul Gillin's "The New Influencers"
In addition, I was given some links that are useful:

Thursday, June 26, 2008

NYC Waterfalls Just in Time for JCI MetNet 2008

From New York Times article 6/24/2008

"The New York City Waterfalls" is a public art project of four man-made
waterfalls rising from New York Harbor, some as high as the Statue of
Liberty. Organized by the nonprofit Public Art Fund and the city of New
York, it is being billed as the city's biggest such project since "The
Gates," the $20 million effort by the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude
in 2005."

Pictures can be seen here: New York City Waterfalls

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rob Witthauer named U.S. Metro Conference Director 2008

Metro Conference Director Rob Witthauer

Metro Conference Director Rob Witthauer

Effective Tuesday, May 20, 2008, New York State Junior Chamber member Rob Witthauer (Rochester, KAJC) was officially appointed to the position of U.S. Junior Chamber Metro Conference Director by a majority vote of the USJC Metro Team.

Congratulations, Rob!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Life WITHOUT the Junior Chamber

I've had some requests to share the video shown at OYNY called "Life without the Junior Chamber." We are hoping to roll out a sequel in the next month.

The video can be accessed on YouTube at

Or view below (requires Flash)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Congratulations to New York State Session I Awards winners


Jaycee Debate
Batavia Area Jaycees (Pam Warren, Amy Robinson, Catherine Colby)

Rob Fields (Liverpool Jaycees)

Master's Speak Up
Mel Robinson - President Batavia Area Jaycees

Stan Malkinski Memorial Speak Up
Amy Robinson - Batavia Area Jaycees


Outstanding State Program Manager
Patti Benda - Outstanding Young New Yorker

Outstanding State Vice President
David Stern - Community Development Vice President

Outstanding Jaycee
Bel Molina - Philippine NY Junior Chamber

Outstanding Local Staff Officer
Melissa George - Director Batavia Jaycees
Outstanding Local Vice President
Zultan Bermudez - Membership VP Philippine NY Junior Chamber

Outstanding Local President
Mel Robinson - Batavia Area Jaycees


Outstanding Region
Region South - led by RD Gary Abasolo

Top Growth Chapter
Long Island

Outstanding Local Publication
The IMPACT - Batavia Area Jaycees

Outstanding Local Project
55th Annual Home, Garden, and Trade Show - Batavia Area Jaycees
Blue Chip Parade of Chapters
1) Batavia Area Jaycees (tie)
JCI Saratoga Springs (tie)
3) Philippine NY Junior Chamber

Outstanding Local Organization
Batavia Area Jaycees - led by President Mel Robinson

3) Benjamin Peak - Sponsored by Greater Watertown
2) Amanda Harding - Sponsored by Batavia Area
1) Danielle Vitalo - Sponsored by JCI Saratoga Springs


New York State Governor
#327 - Richard D. Tilton - Pioneer (Arcade)
JCI Senatorship
#68030 Rick Phillips (Baldwinsville and Liverpool) 2008 Richard Vandermark Memorial
#68123 Tim Garlock (Batavia)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

How are YOU Serving your Community?

I thought I would share with you some things that people are doing around the state to be involved in their communities.

Michelle Capone from Greater Watertown is helping to run Emerge Northern New York, which is a large YP conference to increase awareness on issues for Northern New York young people;

Patty Benda from Johnson City has been attending meetings of other young professional groups to make sure they know about the Jaycees and to create partnerships;

Jonathon Kim from the Korean-American Junior Chamber is running the Korean-American community event with thousands of attendees again in New Jersey this year;

Yonel Lettieri from JCI Hispanic led a rally to reduce prostitution along Roosevelt Ave. in Queens, partnering with Assemblyman Peralta;

Melinda French and Christine D'Andrade of JCI Carribean are holding a social fundraiser to help clothe and shelter needy families in Ghianna;

Philippine NY JC members are participating in their annual independence day parade this year, BUT are also celebrating their 45th year milestone and sharing it with the community;

Orchard Park
Junior Chamber held an Easter Egg hunt for 100 local children, made the newspaper, AND donated leftover candy to the Galisano's Childrens Hospital thanks for Jen Fiegel;

Buffalo Junior Chamber will be hosting Buffalo Mayor Brown as part of their guest speaker series at their May membership meeting;

Greater Rochester Junior Chamber is participating in a fundraiser for a cancer support group designed specifically for young adults ( at their first annual "Stupid Cancer Happy Hour;"

Batavia Area Jaycees are hosting YOU, affecting the statewide young professional community;

JCI @ U of R is holding an informational meeting to organize a student rally to try and get student loan benefits on next year's state budget;

And JCI Greater Saratoga is working on their first golf tournament!

Great things happening in New York State!

Friday, April 11, 2008

New York State Budget passes

The New York State Budget for 2008-2009 passed and was signed by new Gov. Dave Paterson. To see the budget, you can go to

Some Highlights:
  • Investment in UpState Economics
  • Housing developments for UpState AND DownState
  • Investment in Park Revitalization, including the NYC waterfront area
  • Pre-K and after school education programs
  • And even money for CHIPs (it's the 70s all over again)
This gives us a year to plan what we would like to see in next year's budget, such as our student loan initiative.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Marketing Ideas for the Junior Chamber

Another round of recruiting ideas:
  • action-oriented URLs pointing to the main website like "" or ""
  • beer-coaster URL prints distributed to local pubs
  • Dry cleaner hanger covers saying like "All Dressed Up? Here's the Place to Go" or "Dressing for Success is only Half of the Solution" or "Pristine Clothing Deserves a Great Acoomplishment: Be Better"
  • At your next event, video-tape members in an interview like format stating why they joined and why they stay
  • News-oriented spoof - I like the Onion type series

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Recruiting - a picture is worth a thousand new members

Many communities are having St. Patrick's Day parades today....Which reminded me of some advice from another Patrick -- Patrick Knight, former U.S. Metro Conference Director.
The key to leveraging community holidays (and parades) is as simple as BEADS!
That's right, beads. And here's how --
What you will need: bead necklaces, zip ties, chapter business cards, hole punch, digital camera(s), 2+ people
  1. Get some beads. Prior to a community event, such as a St. Pat's parade, buy a bunch of bead necklaces. They can coordinate with the event (like green and gold for St. Pat's) or be left over from another event. People don't really care. They love bead necklaces. You can borrow, get them sponsored, or you may have enough between your collective membership already.
  2. Put your chapter card on the beads. This should be a simple URL or contact information for your chapter. Simpler is better, and ideally, you want to drive traffic to your website; however. if you don't have a great site, you might opt for an email contact and a blurb about your chapter or directing them to a social media site (like MySpace, Facebook, etc). Fastening can be as simple as twist or zip ties. Twist ties are easy to get, but are less likely to hold up, so zip ties are generally recommended. Affix the card to the beads (usually requires a hole punch).
  3. Go to the event and give out the beads while taking photos of the wearers. Send some outgoing people into the crowd with a digital camera (for safety, groups of 2 are best). When giving out the beads, ask if you can take a photo and tell the recipient that they can view or download the photo for free from the website on the card you put on the bead necklace. Make sure when you take the photo that the Junior Chamber logo or name is facing forward. NOTE: Avoid taking photos of children and stick with JC-age people -- preferably ones that seem to be outgoing or attractive. It's a great first line to meet new people, too!
  4. Post the pictures on your site with information on joining (sign up NOW! is best approach). You should put the pictures online as soon as possible (hence digital over film developing) and in a place that is publicly accessible (no sites where people have to join to view). Google picasa photo albums are free and easy to view without a membership if you don't know where to look.
  5. Follow Up with people who sign up. You've now driven traffic to your website/picture area and when people are there, they will see lots of young, festive adults having fun and wearing your logo. Whether or not they decide to join, your site will still be filled with young adults wearing your logo, which will look good to other young professionals.
So now you've not only created community awareness in your target demographic, but you've improved the content of your web site.
And whether or not you use this in time for St. Patrick's on Monday, you can use it for any community gathering or holiday social event.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Official Statement of the NYSJC regarding Gov. Spitzer's prostitution Scandal

I just wanted to briefly comment on the breaking news this afternoon that NY Gov. Spitzer announced his use of prostitution services, as recent as 1 month ago, in a news conference today.

I'm sure it will be all over the news tonight if you haven't yet heard.

Obviously, this makes it unlikely that his office will be in attendance at the March 19th meeting, however, no cancellations have been made.

In the article, CNN reported: "Before the news conference, three Democratic sources told CNN that a top Spitzer aide had told them that the governor would resign. At the news conference, Spitzer declined to respond to questions as to whether he would step down."

This could mean that David Paterson (Harlem) may soon be heading New York State. His key issues are listed here:
as well as anything that advocates for helping the disabled as he is, himself, legally blind.

This would also likely mean the disbandment of the Young Leaders Conference that Silda Spitzer launched in later January. We are waiting to hear more information on it.

Locally, democratic parties are distancing themselves. CDVP Dave noted that he was asked to remove photos of Spitzer with Democrats. You may, as YPs, be asked for comments on this breaking news. Please keep in mind that as an individual, you are welcome to give any feedback. As a representative (meaning if you mention affiliation, wear logos, or give out chapter contact information), the NYSJC's, have no official position on the matter.

-Shonda Ranson
78th NYSJC President.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

From Kathleen Mooney from the Lobbyins in Albany


Thank you so much for participating in the SUNY event yesterday and for your support of the Unshackle Upstate campaign. We are looking forward to working closely with you in the future and like the idea of doing a similar event at U of R this spring (yes, SPRING - let's not work in another ice storm, PLEASE!). We also greatly appreciate your pushing the message out to your J.C. colleagues, the RocCity group, etc. Can you tell we're excited to have you as a colleague? We need people to use the website and send those messages.
Again, you did a great job talking to the students and reporters and we all enjoyed meeting you and your friends. We'll talk in a week or so.
Kathleen Rooney
Senior Vice President
Travers Collins & Company

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

NYSJC member chosen to speak on Student Loan Breaks for YPs

Good morning, New York State.
One of the government initiatives that we have been working on is giving student loan break incentives to young talent that would encourage them to stay in New York State after graduation. This is a topic that effects all of us in New York as we have great educational institutions, but struggle with income after graduation when trying to repay heavy student loan debts.
Now, Unshackle Upstate is moving forward with this initiative and making it the primary focus on the March 4th rally at the SUNY Albany campus. THIS IS FOR ALL OF NEW YORK -- NOT JUST UPSTATE.
AND our Very Own Gina Pellettieri has been chosen to speak as a young professional who could benefit from student loan relief.

Remember that the New York State Junior Chamber invites you to come in early to support this initiative by attending GALS, where you will not only get to show your support, participate in an actual rally, but you will learn how to be more involved in government leadership in your local community. Sign up today at

"We want our economy moving. Not our people" is the message that Unshackle Upstate organizers are bringing to Albany on March 4th. The bi-partisan coalition will hold a morning event on the SUNY Albany campus at 9:30 a.m. that will focus on tax relief for graduates with student loans. The average New York State graduate carries a debt of approximately $19,000. One of Unshackle Upstate's goals is to change the standard tax deduction for young people ages 18-25 statewide. The coalition is proposing an increase in the deduction from $7500 to $10,000 and for student loan interest to be deducted from taxable income.

Speakers include representatives from the coalition including a SUNY student, a young professional, and an Upstate business leader.

There will be access to computers at the event so students can send an email to legislators and the Governor, using a template provided on, that states what the coalition is asking for in terms of creating tax relief for educated, motivated young adults.

Since 1990, over half a million people between the ages of 25-34 have left Upstate because of the lack of opportunity. The coalition holds elected officials accountable and seeks to create meaningful change so that upstate communities can once again prosper and flourish. Since March 2007, over 160,000 emails have been sent to state representatives in support of the Unshackle Upstate agenda.

Monday, February 25, 2008

New from NYSJC - GALS, PR for You, and ONTO

New York State Junior Chamber Heads to Albany
Government Affairs Leadership Seminar March 1-4

Registration for the New York State Version of the Government Affairs Leadership Seminar has been available on the front page of the state web site at You have the option to download the PDF and mail it in or register online through the online form.
Events begin Saturday afternoon, giving plenty of time to travel without missing work. Saturday evening we will honor the Outstanding New Yorkers/Humanitarians in our great state. On Sunday, we have Officer Training School as well as government specific training available to attendees. Monday will be a tour of the State Capitol, information about how the State Government Works, and Training on how to lobby government Officials. To wrap things up on Tuesday, we will be attending a morning press conference on how young people are an important asset to New York State followed by a rally starting at SUNY Albany for Unshackle Upstate to promote New York State econonic investment. This is one event that you don't just attend -- you engage in active citizenship! Sign up Today!

PR Opportunity for local chapter and local member
3-4 minute speech opportunity for member at SUNY Albany Press Conference Tuesday Morning

Travers & Collins company, a PR firm out of Buffalo, is looking for a young speaker to represent the struggles of young, educated people in New York State. The media event will take place in the morning - probably from approx 9:30 - 10-15. Inside the Campus Center - and weather permitting, we'll want people outside w/signs prior to event for the cameras. The key message for this event is tax breaks for grads w/student loans and general tax breaks for young adults. There may be a possibility of having one of your younger members as a featured speaker. No more than two minutes - speaking from first hand experience on the challenges you face with either no job or an entry level position, and thousands of dollars in debt from your education. How necessary the tax breaks are for enticing young grads to stay in NY.

ONTO Memphis is coming fast
Early registration costs extended to February 27th

March National Convention in Memphis, TN, is coming March 18-21 (Competitions 18th and Opening Ceremony on the 19th). Please contact Kim Lambert at if you have already made arrangements or would still like to attend.
Special training to include:
- Diversity in Your Chapter Ariel Jones
- Leadership for Your Chapter/Community Matt Booth
- Session 1: Hours of Power (4 Speakers)
- The 2008 Plan of Action O’Neil
- Effective Membership Plans Reinhard
- State Presidents’ Training Weber
- Vision Quest Koch
- Technology/New Website Smith
- Planning for Successful Conventions Howerton/Modie
- State Presidents’ Training Weber
- How to Do Extensions Chandler
- Take Your Chapter from Good to Great DiLeonardo
- State Presidents’ Training Weber
- Governmental Involvement: GOTV Peterson
- Citizens Corps CJ Jorif - RD/DD Training Kingsley

Sunday, February 10, 2008

JCI Netherlands Middle Region Conference

A special THANK YOU to the national Communication VP Jeroen Komen of JCI Netherlands for the invite to this wonderful event in Echteld. It was wonderful to see World Congress President Graham Hanlon (Ireland) again and to listen to his passionate speech on active citizenship and the bed-tent (Operation Hope) campaign.

I have posted pictures here:

Off to Scotland tomorrow evening by boat from Belgium to Rosith.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Blog posting during EU/UK Travels

I just wanted to remind everyone that I will be traveling in the EU/UK for 10 days. (Yes, Ann, I’ll send postcards)

My Schedule will be as follows
February 8th overnight flight to Amsterdam

February 9-12 (4 whole days) the Netherlands (primarily Zeeland province/Vlissingen, but flying into Schipol).

February 13th by train/boat to northern Scotland

February 14-16 (4 whole days) in northern Scotland (primarily Aberdeen)

February 17th - flying or train back to Amsterdam for Feb 18th noon flight back to Rochester, arriving evening ET.

You can reach me via email for most of the travel or via phone in the Netherlands (+31118418840) or via phone in Scotland (+447986464308)

I was thinking about picking up a disposable cell while there, so if I do, I will give that number as soon as I have it.

Shonda Ranson, CNT
78th State President
New York State Junior Chamber

Check out the video "MetNet & the City Teaser Promo"

JCI-USA: New York State
Worldwide Federation of Leaders and Entrepreneurs

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Leaders from all over the State pull resources to Unshackle Upstate Economics

As part of the Government Affairs Leadership Seminar, the New York State Junior Chamber has been informed that the following organizations are planning a rally in support of Unshackle Upstate on March 4th in Albany. If you or your local chapter would like to join in, this is a great way to rekindle the relationships between local Jaycees and local government and business leaders.
While the entire list is below in the press release, I have pulled out some that may pertain directly to NYSJC chapters:

  • Garry Douglas, President, North County Chamber of Commerce
  • Frank Elias, President, Mohawk Valley Chamber of Commerce
  • Catherine Glover, President and CEO, Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce
  • Darlene Kerr, President, Greater Syracuse Chamber of Commerce
  • Jim Brow, Mayor, City of Rome
  • Byron Brown, Mayor, City of Buffalo
  • John D. Bullis, Executive Director, Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce
  • David Carucci, Mayor, City of Olean
  • Mary Clark, Citizens Action, Binghamton
  • Dr. Ray Cross, President, Morrisville College, Morrisville
  • Joel Delmonico, Vice President, ClearChannel Communications, Syracuse
  • Karen K. Delmonico, President and CEO, Greater Watertown-North Country Chamber of Commerce
  • Randy DeLosh, Mayor, City of Massena
  • Colleen DiPirro, President and CEO, Amherst Chamber of Commerce
  • William H. Dixon, Mayor, Village of Dansville
  • Matt Driscoll, Mayor, City of Syracuse
  • Robert J. Duffy, Mayor, City of Rochester
  • Paul Dyster, Mayor, Niagara Falls
  • Darcy Fauci, Director, Economic Development, Greater Binghamton Coalition
  • Barbara Fiala, Broome County Executive
  • Richard Frey, Mayor, City of Dunkirk
  • Tom Gallagher, Mayor of Cortland and President-Elect, Metropolitan Development Association
  • Tim Grippen, Executive Director, Opportunities for Broome, Binghamton
  • William Guglielmo, President, Chamber Alliance of the Mohawk Valley
  • Jim Hare, Elmira City Council
  • Shawn D. Hogan, Mayor, City of Hornell
  • Jerry Jennings, Mayor, City of Albany
  • Maria Kindberg, Majority Leader, Chautauqua County Legislature
  • Bill Kinne, Onondaga County Legislature
  • Michael Koplinka-Loehr, Chair, Tompkins County Legislature
  • Joyce Lobene, President, Spencerport Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Howard Lowe, Director, Technical Assistance Center, SUNY Plattsburgh
  • Douglas Mahany, Chairman, Chautauqua Chamber of Commerce
  • Terry Martino, Executive Director, Adirondack North Country Association
  • Michael McCormick, Minority Leader, Allegany County Legislature
  • Pat McKeown, Interim Executive Director, St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce
  • Dennis Mullen, CEO, Greater Rochester Enterprise
  • Dr. Neil Murphy, President, SUNY ESF, Syracuse
  • John S. Nader, Mayor, City of Oneonta
  • Eduardo Navarro, Chairman, Rochester Hispanic Business Association
  • Sylvie Nelson, Executive Director, Saranac Lake Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Virginia O’Brien, Minority Leader,Rensselaer County Legislature
  • Andy Patros, Tompkins County Legislator
  • Carolyn Peterson, Mayor, City of Ithaca
  • Jeffrey Pond, Mayor, City of Salamanca
  • Matt Ryan, Mayor, City of Binghamton
  • Peter Same, Supervisor, Town of Seneca Falls
  • Susan Savage, Chair, Schenectady County Legislature
  • John Scarano, Executive Director, Herkimer County Chamber of Commerce
  • Vito Scisioli, Executive Director, Syracuse 20/20
  • Dr. David Smith, President, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse
  • Brian Stratton, Mayor, City of Schenectady
  • Sam Teresi, Mayor, City of Jamestown
  • John Tonello, Mayor, City of Elmira
  • L. Michael Treadwell, Executive Director, Operation Oswego County
  • Mark Whalen, Chair, Broome County Legislature
  • Linda Witte, Minority Leader, Cattaraugus County Legislature
  • Jessica Wood, ROC City Coalition, Rochester

  • 150 State St., Suite 400, Rochester NY, 14614 www.RochesterBusinessAlliance .com

    Tel: (585) 244-1800 – Fax: (585) 263-3679

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Feb. 6, 2008

    CONTACT: Ellen Rosen, VP of Marketing, Communications and Membership

    PHONE: (585) 256-4616

    Media Advisory for today, Feb. 6

    Business, Labor, Agricultural and Government Leaders Endorse Governor Spitzer’s Upstate Revitalization Fund

    More than 100 Community Leaders Urge Sate Lawmakers to Endorse $1 Billion Upstate Revitalization Fund

    More than 100 business, labor, agricultural and government leaders have joined a growing list of supporters who have endorsed Governor Eliot Spitzer’s Upstate Revitalization Fund, it was announced today in Binghamton.

    Rochester Business Alliance President and CEO Sandy Parker, who unveiled the list of supporters, emphasized the importance of the Governor’s plan in bringing much-needed attention to the struggles of the region and providing crucial resources to help jumpstart the Upstate economy. Parker also called on the State Legislature to do its part to make the plan a reality.

    “The time has come where we finally have a Governor willing to lay it on the line for Upstate New York. As business leaders, it is our job to do what is in the best interest for our communities and to improve the quality of life for our families,” said Parker. “The Governor’s plan holds great promise for Upstate New York. The infusion of funding in all sectors of our economy including business, labor and agriculture represent the true spark the region needs to thrive once again. We are urging the State Legislature to act on this plan so that the Upstate economy can get the attention it needs and deserves.”

    Governor Spitzer has proposed a $1 billion Upstate Revitalization Fund which would inject capital into the Upstate economy. His proposal includes:

      - a Regional Blueprint Fund ($350 million) to provide capital for creating development ready sites, industrial parks, establishing small business loan programs, and supporting cutting edge research and job creation;

      - City-by-City investments ($115 million) that will support several critical development ready sites, industrial parks, establishing small business loan programs, and supporting cutting edge research and job creation;

      - a Housing Opportunity Fund ($100 million) dedicated to the development of affordable, supportive, and workforce housing projects throughout Upstate;

      - a transportation and intercity passenger rail ($130 million);

      - rebuilding our parks ($80 million);

      - an Agricultural Development Fund ($50 million); and

      - other initiatives ($175 million) including funding for universal broadband, venture capital investments and job programs.

    Last week 13 business, agricultural and labor leaders endorsed the Governor's Upstate Revitalization Fund and urged other Upstate leaders to join them, resulting in today's additional supporters.

    The original 13 are:

    • Sandy Parker, President and CEO, Rochester Business Alliance
    • Garry Douglas, President, North County Chamber of Commerce
    • Frank Elias, President, Mohawk Valley Chamber of Commerce
    • Catherine Glover, President and CEO, Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce
    • Darlene Kerr, President, Greater Syracuse Chamber of Commerce
    • John Lincoln, President, New York Farm Bureau
    • Patrick Mannion, Chairman, Greater Syracuse Chamber of Commerce
    • Andrew Rudnick, President and CEO of the Buffalo Niagara Partnership
    • Robert M. Simpson, President-elect of the Metropolitan Development Association of Syracuse and Central New York
    • Bill Towsley, President, Greater Syracuse Building Trades
    • Ken Warner, Executive Director, UNICON Rochester
    • Frank Wirt, President, Rochester Building and Construction Trades Council
    • Randy Wolken, President of the Manufacturers Association of Central New York.

    Today’s additional endorsers include:

  • Keith Ahlstrom, Chairman, Chautauqua County Legislature
  • Roy Akins, Mayor, City of Glenn Falls
  • Nathan Andrews, Vice President, Morse Manufacturing, Syracuse
  • Robert Andrews, President, Morse Manufacturing, Syracuse
  • Jim Bays, Chenango Board of Supervisors
  • Jim Bedieng, President, NYS Wine & Grape Growers Foundation
  • Diana Bendz, Board President, Southern Tier Opportunity Coalition
  • Jack Benjamin, President, Three Rivers Development Corp., Corning
  • Martin K. Birmingham, Regional President, Five Star Bank, Rochester
  • Daan Braveman, President, Nazareth College, Rochester
  • Deanna Alterio Brennen, President and CEO, Niagara USA Chamber
  • Jean-Claude Brizard, Superintendent, Rochester City School District
  • Jim Brow, Mayor, City of Rome
  • Byron Brown, Mayor, City of Buffalo
  • John D. Bullis, Executive Director, Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce
  • Ann Burr, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Frontier Communications, Rochester
  • David Carucci, Mayor, City of Olean
  • Allen G. Casey, ME Engineering, Rochester
  • Dick Cauchon, Director of Corporate Initiatives, Sensis, Syracuse
  • Mary Clark, Citizens Action, Binghamton
  • Philip Clark, Clark-Patterson, Rochester
  • Jim Collins, Binghamton/Oneonta Building Trades Union
  • Anthony Cotroneo, President, Small Business Council of Rochester
  • Dr. Ray Cross, President, Morrisville College, Morrisville
  • Paul DeCarolis, Chairman, DeCarolis Truck Rental Inc.
  • Joel Delmonico, Vice President, ClearChannel Communications, Syracuse
  • Karen K. Delmonico, President and CEO, Greater Watertown-North Country Chamber of Commerce
  • Randy DeLosh, Mayor, City of Massena
  • Steven DiMeo, President, Mohawk Valley EDGE
  • Colleen DiPirro, President and CEO, Amherst Chamber of Commerce
  • William H. Dixon, Mayor, Village of Dansville
  • Lee Drake, President and CEO, OS-Cubed, Inc., Rochester
  • Matt Driscoll, Mayor, City of Syracuse
  • Robin Dropkin, Parks & Trails NY
  • Robert J. Duffy, Mayor, City of Rochester
  • Paul Dyster, Mayor, Niagara Falls
  • Darcy Fauci, Director, Economic Development, Greater Binghamton Coalition
  • James Fayle, Chief Executive Officer, Jefferson County Job Development Corporation
  • Barbara Fiala, Broome County Executive
  • Richard Frey, Mayor, City of Dunkirk
  • Michael Fuller, Chairman, Pipeline 4 Progress, Corning
  • Tom Gallagher, Mayor of Cortland and President-Elect, Metropolitan Development Association
  • Andrew Gallina, Gallina Development, Rochester
  • Mark Gianniny, Gianniny Associates, Rochester
  • Tim Grippen, Executive Director, Opportunities for Broome, Binghamton
  • William Guglielmo, President, Chamber Alliance of the Mohawk Valley
  • Jim Hare, Elmira City Council
  • Jerrel Heatwole, Chairman, Northeast Council, Dairy Farmers of America, Inc.
  • Randy Henderson, President, Henderson Automotive Family, Rochester
  • Rick Herman, Rochester Home Builders Association
  • Shawn D. Hogan, Mayor, City of Hornell
  • Jerry Jennings, Mayor, City of Albany
  • Gail Jewell, Remington Arms Co., Herkimer
  • Jonathan Judge, CEO, Paychex, Rochester
  • Thomas Judson, The Pike Company, Rochester
  • Mason Kaufman, Syracuse Meals on Wheels
  • Brad Keating, Chief Operating Officer, Dairy Marketing Services, Eastern Region, Syracuse
  • Maria Kindberg, Majority Leader, Chautauqua County Legislature
  • David Klein, CEO, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, Rochester
  • Bill Kinne, Onondaga County Legislature
  • Michael Koplinka-Loehr, Chair, Tompkins County Legislature
  • Don Kowell, Business Manger, Granger Construction, Syracuse
  • R. Wayne LeChase, CEO, LeChase Construction Services, Rochester
  • Norman Leenhauts, Co-Chairman, Home Properties, Rochester
  • Jennifer Leonard, Executive Director, Rochester Area Community Foundation
  • John Lincoln, President, New York Farm Bureau
  • Joyce Lobene, President, Spencerport Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Howard Lowe, Director, Technical Assistance Center, SUNY Plattsburgh
  • Douglas Mahany, Chairman, Chautauqua Chamber of Commerce
  • John Manilla, President, Pyramid Brokerage Company, Rochester
  • David Marnell, President, Convention Center at Oncenter, Syracuse
  • Terry Martino, Executive Director, Adirondack North Country Association
  • Theresa Mazzullo, Excell Partners, Rochester
  • Brad McAreavy , President, Rochester Automobile Dealers Association
  • Michael McCormick, Minority Leader, Allegany County Legislature
  • Timothy McCormick, CEO, Unity Health Systems, Rochester
  • Pat McKeown, Interim Executive Director, St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce
  • David J. Meyer, Partner, Pathfinder Engineers LLP, Rochester
  • Daniel Meyers, President, Al Sigl Center, Rochester
  • Thomas Mitchell, Bergman and Associates, Rochester
  • Martin Mucci, President, Paychex, Inc., Rochester
  • Dennis Mullen, CEO, Greater Rochester Enterprise
  • Dr. Neil Murphy, President, SUNY ESF, Syracuse
  • John S. Nader, Mayor, City of Oneonta
  • Eduardo Navarro, Chairman, Rochester Hispanic Business Association
  • Sylvie Nelson, Executive Director, Saranac Lake Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Virginia O’Brien, Minority Leader, Rensselaer County Legislature
  • Sandra Parker, CEO, Rochester Business Alliance
  • Andy Patros, Tompkins County Legislator
  • Carolyn Peterson, Mayor, City of Ithaca
  • Edward Pettinella, President and CEO, Home Properties, Rochester
  • John R. Piper, President, Family First of NY Federal Credit Union, Rochester
  • Jeffrey Pond, Mayor, City of Salamanca
  • John Purcell, President, Fibertech Networks, Rochester
  • Shonda Ranson, New York State Junior Chamber of Commerce
  • John Richardson, Director of Monroe County and Rochester Relations, Eastman Kodak Company
  • Clyde E. Rutherford, President, Dairylea Cooperative, Syracuse
  • Matt Ryan, Mayor, City of Binghamton
  • Ronald E. Salluzzo, CFO, Harris Interactive, Inc.
  • Peter Same, Supervisor, Town of Seneca Falls
  • Susan Savage, Chair, Schenectady County Legislature
  • John Scarano, Executive Director, Herkimer County Chamber of Commerce
  • Vito Scisioli, Executive Director, Syracuse 20/20
  • John Schaefer, Labor Local 7, Ithaca
  • Sandra Simpson, District Superintendent, Herkimer BOCES
  • John Smarelli, President, LeMoyne College, Syracuse
  • Dr. David Smith, President, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse
  • Michael Stamm, President, Tompkins County Area Development/IDA
  • Brian Stratton, Mayor, City of Schenectady
  • Francis Tepper, Henrietta Chamber of Commerce, Monroe County Fair
  • Sam Teresi, Mayor, City of Jamestown
  • Steven Thorpe, President, SWNY Building and Trades Council
  • John Tonello, Mayor, City of Elmira
  • L. Michael Treadwell, Executive Director, Operation Oswego County
  • Jim Trezise, President, NY Wine & Grape Foundation
  • Mary Ann Tyszko, President, SRCTec, Inc., Syracuse
  • Theresa Underwood, Vice President and General Manager, WSYR-TV, Syracuse
  • James E. Verdi, Branch Partner, Lawley Andolina Verdi, Rochester
  • Patrick Waterman, Director of Business Development, FRA Engineering, Rochester
  • Julie West, Project Director, CBN West, Plattsburgh
  • Michael Wetzel, P.E., President, Air Innovations, Syracuse
  • Mark Whalen, Chair, Broome County Legislature
  • Scott Whittaker, President, Broome County Farm Bureau
  • Suzanne Williams, Syracuse Habitat for Humanity
  • Linda Witte, Minority Leader, Cattaraugus County Legislature
  • William Wolf, Executive Director, Griffiss Institute
  • Jessica Wood, ROC City Coalition, Rochester
  • Lynne Woodworth, President and CEO, Stone Construction Equipment, Inc.
  • Carla Zimmerman, Manager, Eric mower & Associates, Syracuse
  • Heidi Zimmer-Meyer, President, Rochester Downtown Development Corp
  • Tuesday, January 29, 2008

    Consumer behavior -- Visualizing our new products before we buy

    I am currently reading Pamela Danziger's "Why people buy things they don't need." In the 3rd chapter, there is a paragraph that discusses how consumers visualize using the product when deciding to purchase it. From picturing themselves in a hot bubble bath with their new foaming bath wash, indulging in some sweet & salty popcorn with their rented DVD, peeling off that first slice of pizza with the stringy cheese clinging on for survival, or snuggling into a soft blanket at bed time.

    The products are just some soap, some dried up corn, some pizza delivery, and a blanket, but we buy them for the fantasy, the image, the emotional tie we have to the products we choose. One description used was that we "act out vignettes" of using the products in our minds -- sometimes simple and sometimes rather elaborate -- to rationalize feeling good about our choices.

    So how can this knowledge be used for recruitment and marketing?
    1. Consumers need a clear understanding of the product,
    2. Consumers need to know how the product it to be used, and
    3. Consumers need to be able to picture themselves using the product. Nay....
    4. Consumers need to feel GOOD when picturing themselves using the product!
    When JCI can meet these terms, we can have a successful, image-driven, emotionally charged buy in from new recruits.

    Monday, January 28, 2008

    USJC Sponsor Anheuser Busch wants your opinion on Super Bowl Ads

    From Advertising Age:

    Budweiser's annual Super Bowl ad campaign, which revived the company (for those that remember the Budweiser frogs) starts a continues their trend of merging viewers with mobiles and marketing.

    Before the Super Bowl, viewers can go to and enter their mobile phone number.

    During the Super Bowl, after a Budweiser ad is aired, BudBowl members will get a text message asking them to rate the commercial.

    After the Super Bowl, members enter a code to unlock a secret ad spot that non-members didn't get to see.

    Actually, it took a while to track down which site was the right one for signing up as the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) gave the wrong URL in his interview --- guess we know he didn't come up with the idea.

    Sunday, January 27, 2008

    Marketing to and by 20-somethings

    We're currently in a Consumer Behavior segment of my newest marketing studies; however, like always, I like to take new information and apply it immediately to the JCs. So here are some of the latest findings. First, Proctor & Gamble launched a teen marketing internet site where they entice teens to be a part of marketing research in exchange for coupons, various rewards, etc. It's run as a social community. Teens can even ask their own questions and get a response. It's called "Tremor" and is at . Some examples of questions teens wanted asked are:


    Jelena from Indiana asked: How do you like to listen to your music?

    • Online and/or through YouTube - 65%
    • Through my iPod - 55%
    • Concerts and Live shows - 50%
    • Through another MP3 player - 36%
    • - 36%

    Israel in California asked: Who is most likely to win the Democratic Primary

    • Hillary Clinton - 43%
    • Barack Obama - 40%
    • John Edwards - 17%
    Using Tremor as a template, I found another resource for the Junior Chamber. In the form of a blog, "20-Something Marketing" touts itself as an archive for consumer behavior of 20-something BY 20-something professionals ( An excerpt from this site:
    The expectations are high from the year ahead. While experts are speculating that ‘web’ would keep making inroads into an average marketer’s life.The so called smart marketers will capitalize on the growing appeal of social networks.

    Whether you call it as 3.0 or something else, one would witness rise in popularity as well as growth of new social networks.The whole philosophy of relationships via social networks would diversify into three key categories. So one would see an average users shuffling between their friendly relationships, family relationships and business relationships.While Facebook would be there for Friends, Linkedin for Business users there’s a possibilty of third alternative whether it is Ancestory or Kindo occupying a major role in 2008.Interestingly Kindo has been a bit of revelation since its emergence and is currently available in 12 regional languages including Arabic.

    So I looked up Kindo. I would say the biggest problem is trying to get it to understand the common ailment of divorce, step-parenting, and half-siblings. But maybe it's something to play with in the future.