Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Check out NYSJC.org for the latest updates
New York State News:
Thomas Golisano last week announced the formation of Responsible New York, a committee set up to make expenditures in support of state legislature candidates "most committed to changing Albany."
Golisano, the Paychex Inc. founder who has made three unsuccessful runs for governor, plans to spend at least $5 million. But some political observers have said his initiative could face a legal challenge to determine whether it complies with New York election law.

JC Camp this Saturday (7-19)
First Annual Summer Family Fun Day
Bring your family, Bring your fun, your sleeping bags and prepare for a fantastic weekend of fun, games and companionship! You can arrive as early as July 18th. We arrive at Camp Sertoma any time after 6:00pm and spend an evening relaxing with many other Jaycees. Saturday after breakfast it’s a day of outside activities and games including swimming, sports and boating. The day will break for meals and finish up with a campfire, songs and a relaxing evening. On
Sunday we pack up after breakfast and say good bye to our friends, then head home.

All play, no work, can’t wait to see you all there!
Please direct your questions to Pat Wallen
Phone:(607)206-9834 Email: Patrick_p_wallen@yahoo.com

Time to share your JC knowledge
We've heard a lot from newer members about the lack of pass along knowledge of the organization. To help relieve this problem, we reserved a Wiki where our past members and historians can dump their brains to give members a searchable resource to use.

The wiki can be found here: http://jaycees.wikispaces.com/

Please consider adding content including, NY specific history, history on former chapters, former member information, current chapter histories, state and national awards information, anything Jaycees.

Also, could you pass it along to other governors, senators, random former Jaycees you have contacts for, etc. :)
The wiki can also be reached from the state website at http://nysjc.org

Breaking MetNet News
International authors, media experts, and great moves! MetNet & the City features Best Sessions Ever (Really!)
Highlighted speakers and trainers scheduled for MetNet 2008:
  • Keynote: David M. Scott - author of "The New Rules of PR and Marketing"
  • Paul Gillin - author of "The New Influencers"
  • Doug McGuirk - ational Trainer for the Anthony Robbins Companies
  • Waldo Cabrera - owner, creator of Islip.TV & MyLITV.com; President of SWMAX, LLC
  • and JCI ITF Patrick Knight, US Metro Director Rob Witthauer, Life Coach Sarina Tomel, leadership consultant Jeff Goldberg, and speech consultant Judy Cavallo
Just in from the MetNet 2008 Team:

Please forward!


This just in:

  • NEW TO THE AGENDA - Friday and Saturday night, we have also secured 2 International Dance Champions to offer Exhibition/Dance classes for Friday and Saturday nights! The Dancers will offer training in Swing, Ballroom and other dance types FOR 3 HOURS BOTH NIGHTS! They assure it will be very fun and the attendees will learn how to Dance plus get the chance to show off your new skills!

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