Tuesday, January 8, 2008

JCI Leadership & Government Involvement THIS WEEK

We have some very exciting events this week and it's not too late to participate! But first, check out our new Blog Site and take a moment to fill out the Member Survey at www.NYSJC.org
  • Thu, Jan 10 (8a-10a) Conversation with Gov. Eliot Spitzer, 55 St. Paul St, Rochester
  • Sat, Jan 12 (8a-4p) JCI PRESENTER, Embassy Suites, Syracuse.


Thu, Jan 10 (8a-10a) Conversation with Gov. Eliot Spitzer, 55 St. Paul St, Rochester
On Thursday, Jan. 10 at 8 a.m., The Rochester Business Alliance will host a post-State of the State conversation with Gov. Eliot Spitzer. Please join me for this conversation at the SUNY Brockport Metro Center, 55 St. Paul St., Rochester 14604.

The governor will deliver brief remarks and then open the floor to questions. So we may better facilitate the discussion, please send your questions in advance to Ellen Rosen at Ellen.Rosen@RBAlliance.com.

This meeting offers us a golden opportunity to focus on the issues facing Upstate and the Greater Rochester area and to hear about efforts underway to return our region to a position of economic prominence.

Please RSVP your attendance to my executive assistant Toni Heim at Toni@RBAlliance.com. I look forward to seeing you there.

Sandra A. Parker
President & CEO
Business Alliance

Sat, Jan 12 (8a-4p) JCI PRESENTER, Embassy Suites, Syracuse.
New York State is bringing YOU JCI PRESENTER at no additional cost (with registration to convention) or at $25 for the entire training and luncheon, but you must sign up at the www.jci.cc website to attend. JCI PRESENTER will start at 8 a.m. Saturday, January 12th until 4 p.m. and will be conducted by International Graduate Trainer Suzette Plaisted, who has trained some of the top leaders in World Congress.


Not only will signing up ensure that you get credit for the class, but it will help you track all future training that you take OR conduct. Remember that JCI PRESENTER is a REQUIRED course to becoming a certified trainer.

Why become a Certified Trainer?

  1. It is a GREAT resume builder.
  2. It impresses the heck out of Human Resource Departments.
  3. It gives you skills that you will use professionally AND personally.
  4. It gives you the opportunity to travel.
  5. You will become an elite member of JCI Certified Trainers.
  6. You can use it as a recruitment and retention tool.
  7. You will improve your communications and public speaking abilities.
  8. You will gain a better understanding of yourself and how others perceive you.
  9. You can continue on a track that will help you develop your own personal training.

10. You get to put really cool letters after your name!


JCI Presenter the JCI Effective Presentations Course is a one-day course designed to help those who want to enhance their skills as a presenter. This course may be used as a one-time presentation course or the first step in becoming a JCI University Trainer.

More than ever before, adults want and need to learn. The growth of technology, the impact of communications and the demands of an increasingly complex world mean that people need to be better equipped to respond.

Within the first 10 seconds of being introduced to someone new, you are judged on whether or not you are a person to be listened to. It is well known that people, who have strong presentation skills are promoted faster, paid more and are generally more successful than those who are less proficient. Learning to present yourself and your ideas effectively can improve your negotiation skills and also lead to stronger interpersonal relationships.

Why Create Presentations?

There are a variety of reasons why we give presentations. Most presentations give information or educate an audience about a specific subject. We also use presentations to persuade or motivate others to do something we desire. Lastly, we create presentations to stimulate conversation or opinions.

Purpose of JCI Presenter

JCI Presenter is designed for the more experienced speaker who wants to expand their presentation skills. This course focuses on the concepts of creating and delivering an effective presentation utilizing visual aids and strong delivery methods, while keeping in mind the needs of the audience.


Module l: Presentation Types Participants will tell the audience about their most memorable experience. You will learn about the different types of presentations that you may have to make and the characteristics of each one with an emphasis on Project Reports.

Module 2: Audience Analysis A short module which covers the importance of understanding who you will speak to, what they know, what they should be told and what pre conceptions or prejudices they may hold.

Module 3: Presentation Content This Module will teach you how to prepare presentation content in an orderly format that will keep the audience's attention to your message. Participants will be tasked to work on a presentation for the afternoon.

Module 4: Effective Delivery This Module will explain the different techniques for effective presentation delivery.
Module 5: Presentations Each participant will deliver their prepared presentation to the audience. Head trainer will comment on possible improvements and evaluations will be done based on the course content and how the participant applied it to the presentation.

Shonda Ranson, CNT
78th President
New York State Junior Chamber

Check out the video "MetNet & the City Teaser Promo"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =neIoDinvzq4

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