Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Consumer behavior -- Visualizing our new products before we buy

I am currently reading Pamela Danziger's "Why people buy things they don't need." In the 3rd chapter, there is a paragraph that discusses how consumers visualize using the product when deciding to purchase it. From picturing themselves in a hot bubble bath with their new foaming bath wash, indulging in some sweet & salty popcorn with their rented DVD, peeling off that first slice of pizza with the stringy cheese clinging on for survival, or snuggling into a soft blanket at bed time.

The products are just some soap, some dried up corn, some pizza delivery, and a blanket, but we buy them for the fantasy, the image, the emotional tie we have to the products we choose. One description used was that we "act out vignettes" of using the products in our minds -- sometimes simple and sometimes rather elaborate -- to rationalize feeling good about our choices.

So how can this knowledge be used for recruitment and marketing?
  1. Consumers need a clear understanding of the product,
  2. Consumers need to know how the product it to be used, and
  3. Consumers need to be able to picture themselves using the product. Nay....
  4. Consumers need to feel GOOD when picturing themselves using the product!
When JCI can meet these terms, we can have a successful, image-driven, emotionally charged buy in from new recruits.

Monday, January 28, 2008

USJC Sponsor Anheuser Busch wants your opinion on Super Bowl Ads

From Advertising Age: http://adage.com/brightcove/lineup.php?lineup=1266084202

Budweiser's annual Super Bowl ad campaign, which revived the company (for those that remember the Budweiser frogs) starts a continues their trend of merging viewers with mobiles and marketing.

Before the Super Bowl, viewers can go to www.budbowl.com and enter their mobile phone number.

During the Super Bowl, after a Budweiser ad is aired, BudBowl members will get a text message asking them to rate the commercial.

After the Super Bowl, members enter a code to unlock a secret ad spot that non-members didn't get to see.

Actually, it took a while to track down which site was the right one for signing up as the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) gave the wrong URL in his interview --- guess we know he didn't come up with the idea.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Marketing to and by 20-somethings

We're currently in a Consumer Behavior segment of my newest marketing studies; however, like always, I like to take new information and apply it immediately to the JCs. So here are some of the latest findings. First, Proctor & Gamble launched a teen marketing internet site where they entice teens to be a part of marketing research in exchange for coupons, various rewards, etc. It's run as a social community. Teens can even ask their own questions and get a response. It's called "Tremor" and is at www.tremor.com . Some examples of questions teens wanted asked are:


Jelena from Indiana asked: How do you like to listen to your music?

  • Online and/or through YouTube - 65%
  • Through my iPod - 55%
  • Concerts and Live shows - 50%
  • Through another MP3 player - 36%
  • Myspace.com - 36%

Israel in California asked: Who is most likely to win the Democratic Primary

  • Hillary Clinton - 43%
  • Barack Obama - 40%
  • John Edwards - 17%
Using Tremor as a template, I found another resource for the Junior Chamber. In the form of a blog, "20-Something Marketing" touts itself as an archive for consumer behavior of 20-something BY 20-something professionals (20somethingmarketing.com). An excerpt from this site:
The expectations are high from the year ahead. While experts are speculating that ‘web’ would keep making inroads into an average marketer’s life.The so called smart marketers will capitalize on the growing appeal of social networks.

Whether you call it as 3.0 or something else, one would witness rise in popularity as well as growth of new social networks.The whole philosophy of relationships via social networks would diversify into three key categories. So one would see an average users shuffling between their friendly relationships, family relationships and business relationships.While Facebook would be there for Friends, Linkedin for Business users there’s a possibilty of third alternative whether it is Ancestory or Kindo occupying a major role in 2008.Interestingly Kindo has been a bit of revelation since its emergence and is currently available in 12 regional languages including Arabic.

So I looked up Kindo. I would say the biggest problem is trying to get it to understand the common ailment of divorce, step-parenting, and half-siblings. But maybe it's something to play with in the future.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Portrait of Generation NEXT: 18-25 year olds

The Pew Research Center published the findings of a multi-year study in early 2007 called
"How Young People View Their Lives, Futures and Politics

A summary as well as a link to the full text can be found here.


I wanted to share some of the highlights that I saw.

"For purposes of this report, Generation Next is made up of 18-25 year-olds (born between 1981 and 1988). Generation X was born between 1966 and 1980 and ranges in age from 26-40. The Baby Boom generation, born between 1946 and 1965, ranges in age from 41-60. Finally, those over age 60 (born before 1946) are called the Seniors. These generational breaks are somewhat arbitrary but are roughly comparable to those used by other scholars and researchers."

  • They are the “Look at Me” generation. Social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and MyYearbook allow individuals to post a personal profile complete with photos and descriptions of interests and hobbies. A majority of Gen Nexters have used one of these social networking sites, and more than four-in-ten have created a personal profile.
  • They use technology and the internet to connect with people in new and distinctive ways. Text messaging, instant messaging and email keep them in constant contact with friends. About half say they sent or received a text message over the phone in the past day, approximately double the proportion of those ages 26-40.
  • In Pew surveys in 2006, nearly half of young people (48%) identified more with the Democratic Party, while just 35% affiliated more with the GOP. This makes Generation Next the least Republican generation.
  • About half of Gen Nexters say the growing number of immigrants to the U.S. strengthens the country – more than any generation. And they also lead the way in their support for gay marriage and acceptance of interracial dating.
  • Asked about the life goals of those in their age group, most Gen Nexters say their generation’s top goals are fortune and fame. Roughly eight-in-ten say people in their generation think getting rich is either the most important, or second most important, goal in their lives. About half say that becoming famous also is valued highly by fellow Gen Nexters.

From Marketing Behavior Class: Current Events Assignment

Source Article:

Miller, S. (2008, January). “The Middle of Nowhere.” Brandweek, 49(1), 18-20.

Article Summary: As consumers spend more time researching products prior to purchasing, companies that neither stand out as particularly high end or low end are being missed by consumers. Using the consumer electronics industry as an example, Miller explains that high-tech, high-price, or as cheap as you can get it are the three most marketable positions because Americans consumers are all about image: flaunting your wealth or flaunting your thrift.

Remarks: I found it interesting that the article prefaced with a story on buying a high definition television, citing the example of the Samsung buyer paying as much as the neighbor with three Vizio LCDs – mostly because I opted for the thrift-friendly Vizio recently myself and have not a single regret (granted, I was using one of those old built-in-VCR clunkers that was slowly losing colors on one side of the screen and required that I squint to view the cable guide). I supposed this puts me in a “flaunt your thrift” category.
Overall, I don’t think the idea of middle-of-the road companies suffering is a new one. Look at the branding of Enterprise rental car versus Avis, which actually uses that it is NOT the first in the market so they are trying harder. I also liked the references to the book Trading Up which I might purchase in that I agree with the theory that the shift has a lot to do with newer luxury items being lower in price in general, and, therefore, more affordable to most households. Still, the fact that Vizio, at its bargain basement price has the highest market share at 13% shows that there are plenty of people in my category.

My organization, the Junior Chamber, which is in desperate need of an image upgrade often struggles with this concept. There are those who believe that our product (membership) is for anyone and keep the costs low to be accessible to anyone. At the same time, the cash flow suffers and products and services get cut because we do not have the resources to reinvest and provide more services. The opposition believes that by pricing our product (membership) so low that we allow a perception of lack of quality from the consumers – especially the coveted young professional market, which likes to show value in itself by having value. Both sides have great arguments, so I try to look for innovative and efficient ways to provide more “bang for their buck” at little or no cost.

Unfortunately, this makes us plop right in the middle as more expensive than free and cheaper than even collegiate fraternity dues that college students seem to be able to afford. So what message does that give about our services? Often: none. Our brand and image are squeezed somewhere in the middle.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Jan 21st, Blue Monday 2008

I spotted this story on CNN Headline news and found that it had been calculated since 2005.

From Wikipedia below. Additional source material at

*** Jan 21st the Blue Monday of 2008. ****

Blue Monday is a name given to a date calculated to be the most depressing day of the year.

This date was calculated by Dr Cliff Arnall, a researcher/tutor at the University of Cardiff's Center for Lifelong learning, and has been quoted in the popular press, although there is little if any scientific basis to his methods. As guardian columnist Dr Ben Goldacre has stated: "the fact is that Cliff Arnall's equations are stupid, and some fail even to make mathematical sense on their own terms" [1]
The date was calculated to be January 24 in 2005[1], January 23 in 2006[2] and January 22 in 2007[3]

The date was calculated by using many factors, plugged into a formula. The factors include: weather conditions, debt level (the difference between debt accumulated and our ability to pay), time since Christmas, time since failing our new year’s resolutions, low motivational levels and feeling of a need to take action. This date typically falls on the Monday of the last full week of January. This would make Jan 21st the Blue Monday of 2008.

Dr. Arnall has also calculated the happiest day of the year. In 2005 he found it was June 24[4] and in 2006 it was June 23[5] For this he used a formula which uses factors including: the outdoors, nature, social interaction, childhood summers and positive memories, temperature and holidays.

His research has been commissioned by Sky Travel and Wall's.[6]

In many of the news reports from that period, Dr Arnell was described rather vaguely as a "scientist" or, as he was by MSNBC.com, as someone who "specialises in seasonal disorders". That is not his only specialism. In the Times of March 20 2004, Dr Arnall, a "psychologist who specialises in sleep and stress issues" advised against crawling off to bed if you were upset or after an argument since a person in an agitated state would not sleep well. In the Evening Standard of July 27 2004, Dr Arnall, a "psychologist who runs workshops in the art of relaxation", told those about to embark on holiday not to try and cram in too many last minute jobs before they went away.

But it was in January 2005 that Dr Arnall also broke away from his previous focus on stress and relaxation and was given that loosest of all professional designations, that of an "expert" or, even stranger, "experts". The Daily Mail of January 19 2005 explained Dr Arnall's discovery of the dies horribilis as follows: "The real despair is yet to come. Experts have pinpointed January 24 - next Monday - as the most depressing day of the year." [2]

NB The Guardian have been asked by Cardiff University to distance themselves from the lecturer who came up with the supposed equation: "Cardiff University has asked us to point out that Dr Cliff Arnall, mentioned in the article below, was a former part-time tutor at the university but left in February." [3]

Monday, January 14, 2008

JCI MetNet 2008 donations and sponsorships now tax deductible

Thanks to the New York Jaycees Foundations, any donations or sponsorships for JCI MetNet 2008: MetNet & the City in Manhattan, NY, is now tax deductable when made out the the New York State Jaycees Foundation.

To learn more about the NYS Jaycees Foundation and where to send donations or sponsorships, go to:


To attend or learn more about MetNet & the City, go to:


A special thanks to Ron Naperkowski and the members of the New York State Jaycees Foundation!

Shonda Ranson, CNT
78th President
New York State Junior Chamber

Friday, January 11, 2008

CNN Headline Tips on Saving Money in 2008

Clark Howard, a money coach www.clarkhoward.com has been doing segments on CNN Headline News in the morning. I thought I would share some of the simple tips he's given to help people save. Some you may know, some you may not:

1. Take your lunch to work
2. Find a meter or look for free parking -- never valet
3. If you can only pay your minimum credit card payment, pay half of the minimum, every 14 days (giving you an extra payment and less interest penalties).
4. Don't order appetizers and desserts at restaurants -- they have the highest mark-up.
5. Make a solid plan for what you want to achieve.

Aside from these tips, Clark has a section of his site called "Free and Cheap" with links to free or inexpensive deals. Consider bookmarking it and checking it out before you go shopping.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

JCI Leadership & Government Involvement THIS WEEK

We have some very exciting events this week and it's not too late to participate! But first, check out our new Blog Site and take a moment to fill out the Member Survey at www.NYSJC.org
  • Thu, Jan 10 (8a-10a) Conversation with Gov. Eliot Spitzer, 55 St. Paul St, Rochester
  • Sat, Jan 12 (8a-4p) JCI PRESENTER, Embassy Suites, Syracuse.


Thu, Jan 10 (8a-10a) Conversation with Gov. Eliot Spitzer, 55 St. Paul St, Rochester
On Thursday, Jan. 10 at 8 a.m., The Rochester Business Alliance will host a post-State of the State conversation with Gov. Eliot Spitzer. Please join me for this conversation at the SUNY Brockport Metro Center, 55 St. Paul St., Rochester 14604.

The governor will deliver brief remarks and then open the floor to questions. So we may better facilitate the discussion, please send your questions in advance to Ellen Rosen at Ellen.Rosen@RBAlliance.com.

This meeting offers us a golden opportunity to focus on the issues facing Upstate and the Greater Rochester area and to hear about efforts underway to return our region to a position of economic prominence.

Please RSVP your attendance to my executive assistant Toni Heim at Toni@RBAlliance.com. I look forward to seeing you there.

Sandra A. Parker
President & CEO
Business Alliance

Sat, Jan 12 (8a-4p) JCI PRESENTER, Embassy Suites, Syracuse.
New York State is bringing YOU JCI PRESENTER at no additional cost (with registration to convention) or at $25 for the entire training and luncheon, but you must sign up at the www.jci.cc website to attend. JCI PRESENTER will start at 8 a.m. Saturday, January 12th until 4 p.m. and will be conducted by International Graduate Trainer Suzette Plaisted, who has trained some of the top leaders in World Congress.


Not only will signing up ensure that you get credit for the class, but it will help you track all future training that you take OR conduct. Remember that JCI PRESENTER is a REQUIRED course to becoming a certified trainer.

Why become a Certified Trainer?

  1. It is a GREAT resume builder.
  2. It impresses the heck out of Human Resource Departments.
  3. It gives you skills that you will use professionally AND personally.
  4. It gives you the opportunity to travel.
  5. You will become an elite member of JCI Certified Trainers.
  6. You can use it as a recruitment and retention tool.
  7. You will improve your communications and public speaking abilities.
  8. You will gain a better understanding of yourself and how others perceive you.
  9. You can continue on a track that will help you develop your own personal training.

10. You get to put really cool letters after your name!


JCI Presenter the JCI Effective Presentations Course is a one-day course designed to help those who want to enhance their skills as a presenter. This course may be used as a one-time presentation course or the first step in becoming a JCI University Trainer.

More than ever before, adults want and need to learn. The growth of technology, the impact of communications and the demands of an increasingly complex world mean that people need to be better equipped to respond.

Within the first 10 seconds of being introduced to someone new, you are judged on whether or not you are a person to be listened to. It is well known that people, who have strong presentation skills are promoted faster, paid more and are generally more successful than those who are less proficient. Learning to present yourself and your ideas effectively can improve your negotiation skills and also lead to stronger interpersonal relationships.

Why Create Presentations?

There are a variety of reasons why we give presentations. Most presentations give information or educate an audience about a specific subject. We also use presentations to persuade or motivate others to do something we desire. Lastly, we create presentations to stimulate conversation or opinions.

Purpose of JCI Presenter

JCI Presenter is designed for the more experienced speaker who wants to expand their presentation skills. This course focuses on the concepts of creating and delivering an effective presentation utilizing visual aids and strong delivery methods, while keeping in mind the needs of the audience.


Module l: Presentation Types Participants will tell the audience about their most memorable experience. You will learn about the different types of presentations that you may have to make and the characteristics of each one with an emphasis on Project Reports.

Module 2: Audience Analysis A short module which covers the importance of understanding who you will speak to, what they know, what they should be told and what pre conceptions or prejudices they may hold.

Module 3: Presentation Content This Module will teach you how to prepare presentation content in an orderly format that will keep the audience's attention to your message. Participants will be tasked to work on a presentation for the afternoon.

Module 4: Effective Delivery This Module will explain the different techniques for effective presentation delivery.
Module 5: Presentations Each participant will deliver their prepared presentation to the audience. Head trainer will comment on possible improvements and evaluations will be done based on the course content and how the participant applied it to the presentation.

Shonda Ranson, CNT
78th President
New York State Junior Chamber

Check out the video "MetNet & the City Teaser Promo"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =neIoDinvzq4

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy 2008!

Hello New York State!

First and foremost, I would like to wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year! and an even more successful 2008. Look to your left and to your right at this weekend's Junior Chamber meetings and events and take note of the leaders that will be inspired and empowered in the next few months to make big changes and do great things. I also would like to thank JCI-Caribbean's Melinda, Darin, and Christine in Region South and Shannon and Melissa in Region West for coordinating the region meetings and giving the 2007 Year-End a proper send off.

Please remember that 2008 is going to be a big change in the annual schedule, starting with this very early Regional Meeting weekend and an early Year-End convention in Syracuse NEXT weekend. This can be both challenging AND exciting for this coming year, so here's what you can expect:

2008 is going to be divided into 3 Sessions, instead of 4 Quarters.

Session I (Jan - Apr)
Next Saturday, for Year-End 2007, we're giving YOU free JCI Presenter training from international trainer Suzette Plaisted. Registration is NOW OPEN at www.jci.cc . Only the first 20 people will be able to attend and this is a REQUIRED course to become a future trainer. Registration is FREE with any convention registration.

In early March (Sat, the 1st), we're going to bring you the 2nd half, JCI Trainer, in Albany as well as a chance to meet with your government officials at the State Level (March 2-4). EVERYONE ATTENDING BOTH COURSES WILL BE ELIGIBLE TO BECOME A CLT - CERTIFIED LOCAL TRAINER! and assist in future trainings of JCI Achieve, Presenter, Trainer, and Lead* (once 25 hours have been met).

Also in March (19-21), we will be promoting New York State at the National Year-End/TOYA Celebration in Memphis, TN. Get on the bus! and ride down with your Jaycees' friends for some extra fun.

Session II (May - Aug)
May 2-4, Batavia is going to be hosting a special convention, featuring Nationally-famed business speaker/coach Jeff Magee!

And we'll be hosting the JCI UN Summit (July 26-29) and JCI MetNet: MetNet & the City (July 31-Aug 3) along with out International Video Promotion contest If that's not enough, we're going to offer JCI LEAD in Manhattan on July 30-31 with International Trainer Patrick Knight (author of the Art of Seduction and JumpStart Your Chapter).

Check out the MetNet & the City Promotional Teaser on YouTube!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neIoDinvzq4 which has seen 82 viewers in the first day of being posted.

Finally, in Session II, we will have Jaycee Camp! at Camp Sertoma in August.

Session III (Sep-Dec)
Session 3 is all about YOU: You training, training for YOU, and even fun new places to see! Including a National Convention in.... San Diego, California!

Mark Your Calendars now for this phenomenal year -- New York's 75th Anniversary Year -- as we EMPOWER the EMPIRE State in 2008.

And make sure to sign up at http://NYSJC.org for customized announcements, offers, and benefits. as well as to check out the State Officer Blogs!

  • Information on JCI Presenter. It is CURRENTLY OPEN for Registration.
Shonda Ranson, CNT
78th President
New York State Junior Chamber

Check out the video "MetNet & the City Teaser Promo"

JCI-USA: New York State
Worldwide Federation of Leaders and Entrepreneurs
9-1 Lilac Drive, Rochester, NY, 14620 USA
Tel: +01 585 563 6261 Cel: +01 585 455 2949
E-mail: shondaranson@gmail.com - Website:NYSJC.org
GTalk: shondaranson Yahoo-IM: lovyan_d
Skype: shonda.ranson
MySpace Page: www.myspace.com/shondalr
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=726867057

Wednesday, January 2, 2008