Hello New York State!First and foremost, I would like to wish each and every one of you a
very Happy New Year! and an e
ven more successful 2008. Look to your left and to your right at this weekend's Junior Chamber meetings and events and take note of the leaders that will be inspired and empowered in the next few months to make big changes and do great things. I also would like to thank JCI-Caribbean's Melinda, Darin, and Christine in Region South and Shannon and Melissa in Region West for coordinating the region meetings and giving the 2007 Year-End a proper send off.
Please remember that 2008 is going to be a big change in the annual schedule, starting with this very early Regional Meeting weekend and an early Year-End convention in Syracuse NEXT weekend. This can be both challenging AND exciting for this coming year, so here's what you can expect:
2008 is going to be divided into 3 Sessions, instead of 4 Quarters.
Session I (Jan - Apr)
Next Saturday, for Year-End 2007, we're giving YOU
free JCI Presenter training from international trainer
Suzette Plaisted. Registration is NOW OPEN at www.jci.cc . Only the first 20 people will be able to attend and this is a REQUIRED course to become a future trainer. Registration is FREE with any convention registration.
In early March (Sat, the 1st), we're going to bring you the 2nd half,
JCI Trainer, in Albany as well as a chance to meet with your government officials at the State Level (March 2-4). EVERYONE ATTENDING BOTH COURSES WILL BE ELIGIBLE TO BECOME A CLT - CERTIFIED LOCAL TRAINER!
and assist in future trainings of JCI Achieve, Presenter, Trainer, and Lead* (once 25 hours have been met).
Also in March (19-21), we will be promoting New York State at the National Year-End/TOYA Celebration in Memphis, TN.
Get on the bus! and ride down with your Jaycees' friends for some extra fun.
Session II (May - Aug)
May 2-4, Batavia is going to be hosting a special convention, featuring Nationally-famed business speaker/coach
Jeff Magee!And we'll be hosting the
UN Summit (July 26-29) and JCI MetNet:
MetNet & the City (July 31-Aug 3) along with out
International Video Promotion contest If that's not enough, we're going to offer
JCI LEAD in Manhattan on July 30-31 with International Trainer Patrick Knight (author of the
Art of Seduction and
JumpStart Your Chapter).
Check out the MetNet & the City Promotional Teaser on YouTube!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neIoDinvzq4 which has seen 82 viewers in the first day of being posted.
Finally, in Session II, we will have
Jaycee Camp! at Camp Sertoma in August.
Session III (Sep-Dec)
Session 3 is all about YOU: You training, training for YOU, and even fun new places to see! Including a National Convention in....
San Diego, California! Mark Your Calendars now for this phenomenal year -- New York's 75th Anniversary Year -- as we EMPOWER the EMPIRE State in 2008. And make sure to sign up at http://NYSJC.org for customized announcements, offers, and benefits. as well as to check out the State Officer Blogs! Attached:
- Information on JCI Presenter. It is CURRENTLY OPEN for Registration.
Shonda Ranson, CNT
78th President
New York State Junior Chamber
Check out the video "MetNet & the City Teaser Promo"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neIoDinvzq4JCI-USA: New York State
Worldwide Federation of Leaders and Entrepreneurs
9-1 Lilac Drive, Rochester, NY, 14620 USA
Tel: +01 585 563 6261 Cel: +01 585 455 2949
shondaranson@gmail.com - Website:NYSJC.org
GTalk: shondaranson Yahoo-IM: lovyan_d
Skype: shonda.ranson
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