Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Attracting quality in a recession

Adage posted an article about attracting quality talent to agencies during a recession (http://adage.com/talentworks/article?article_id=134109) and I felt that many of the same principles were true for any business or organization.

  • First, job security is going to be the number one priority -- not how much fun a place is to work.
  • Skill-building and experience will be more important than additional social activities.
  • Careers will be cool again, instead of job hopping every few years
"Millennials, who have never experienced an economic downturn of any magnitude, also are saddled with more debt than any previous generation. With most employers waiting until at least the second or third quarter of this year to evaluate the economy and subsequent hiring, those under 30 are in a tenuous position but not without leverage. They bring the technology and social-networking skills critical to agencies and their clients. They also represent a demographic that still has tremendous buying power and significant brand influence."

The Junior Chamber began just before the Great Depression, in the 1920s, and continued to grow steadily through the 1930s, during the last major US recession. Perhaps the best course of action to marketing to new members is returning to the basics.

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