Sunday, November 4, 2007

Daylight Savings Day - Why isn't Hallmark in on this?

Today is the end of Daylight Savings, when we turn our clocks back an hour and feel like we're getting that extra hour of sleep in the morning. For me, it's an extra hour of quiet time to get things accomplished.

When I was growing up, my mother would always get up an hour before we would. I would hear her in the living room with the television on low (usually to old Bugs Bunny cartoons, though she insisted it was "news") and she would sip her tea and knit. After a while I realized that with four children, that one hour in the morning was "her time," when everyone was quiet and she was free to do the things that she wanted to do. When I went to college, my roommates were evening people -- as well as most of my dorm hall -- and it soon became clear to me that if I wanted to study in quiet, I had to get up in the morning when everyone else was sleeping.

So that is my secret of efficiency -- I wake up early and get things done before the world gets noisy again. But then I thinking that since the card companies started making even "Boss's Day" cards this year, that we should be handing out and signing cards for Daylight Savings. Maybe that's a fundraiser idea for Junior Chamber:
  • "Happy Daylight Savings! And don't forget to renew your membership!" or
  • "Happy Daylight Savings -- use that extra hour to plan a training forum for your chapter!"
Okay! Kind of lame, but hey? if the card companies aren't there yet, we could beat them to the punch.

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